UCU Scotland on Sarah Everard and events at the 13 March 2021 vigil

‘UCU Scotland shares the sadness of millions of women at the abduction and killing of Sarah Everard and their anger at the way in which a peaceful protest to celebrate her life and manifest against violence towards women and girls has degenerated into a spectacle of patriarchy and misogyny.

‘UCU Scotland is equally concerned that in the current proposed legislative environment an offense caused to a statue receives a harsher punishment than one caused to a woman; this is indicative of a toxic misogynistic culture which UCU Scotland intends to fight while proposing instead a vision of true equality which recognises the value of every individual no matter their gender.’

Online UCU Scotland hustings, 1pm, Wednesday 24 March

We’re pleased to be able to tell you about the online UCU Scotland hustings we’re holding ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections.  The hustings will start at 1.00pm on Wednesday 24 March 2021, and will be over no later than 2.30pm.

Put the date in your diary now.  You can watch the hustings at this YouTube link

Hear from confirmed speakers: SNP education spokesperson at Westminster Carol Monaghan MP; Scottish Labour’s newly appointed education spokesperson Michael Marra; The Scottish Lib Dem’s education spokesperson Beatrice Wishart MSP; the Scottish Green’s education spokesperson Ross Greer MSP; and the Scottish Conservative’s education spokesperson Jamie Greene MSP.

We’ll have a short run through of UCU’s manifesto for the Scottish Parliament elections (you can see the union’s paper on an alternative future for Scottish higher education here) before the politicians answer questions from UCU members.

To suggest a question you’d like the candidates aspiring to lead Scottish higher education in government for the next five years to answer, email scotland@ucu.org.uk before 22 March.

Join us for this important event on Wednesday 24 March.

International Solidarity

International solidarity with workers, students and citizens of the world is really important to the trade union movement.

Further details of UCU’s solidarity work is on our website.

At the UCU Scotland Congress in September 2020, delegates debated motions on specific situations around the globe in India and in Palestine.  UCU Scotland agreed the following resolutions:

Solidarity with students and staff in India

The protests across India against issues concerning the Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 have met state-sponsored repression on university campuses.

UCU Scotland notes:

  • UCU UK’s 17 December 2019 statement of solidarity with students and staff on university campuses in India, condemning the Indian state’s assault on free speech.
  • The escalation of the conflict, including the police invasion of Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University, and the violence of ABVP cadres against students at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

UCU Scotland resolves to:

  • Issue a statement referencing recent events in solidarity with students, staff and other citizens protesting in India.
  • Work with students and academics from South Asia to organise against the continuing assault on free speech in the country.
  • Organise, promote and share good practice on events, such as seminars, public meetings, or talks providing information on the CAA, NRC, and the threat of Hindu fundamentalism to the social fabric of India.
  • Lobby the Scottish Government to issue a strong statement condemning the attacks.
  • Work to support organisations and unions such as the JNU Teachers Association which are working in Indian universities to challenge this repressive situation
  • To condemn in the strongest terms the anti-Muslim nationalist pogroms ongoing under the pretext of pro CAA and NRC action”

Further information on the situation in India was reported in the Guardian in January 2020:




Congress notes:

  • the Palestinian call for international week of action to support the Great March of Return (GMR) 24-30 March 2020;

70% of the population of Gaza are refugees, entitled to return to the homes, now in Israel, from which their families were evicted in 1948, a right denied by Israel in defiance of UN security council resolution 194;

  • GMR is a popular, unarmed civilian movement of resistance to the denial of rights to Palestinians;
  • GMR 2018-19 was met with violence by Israeli occupying forces against unarmed nonviolent protesters, children, medical personnel and journalists, resulting in over 250 deaths and  8,000 injuries, which the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry believes, may constitute a crime against humanity;

This congress agrees to send a public message of solidarity to the GMR, and encourages branches and members to take solidarity action, including supporting STUC endorsed campaign of Boycott Divestment and Sanctions. 

Further information on the STUC work and the SUSPS programme is here:
